Possiamo fornire EPDM, Poliuretano (PU), Polietilene (PE), feltro e fibre in fogli o lastre a seconda delle esigenze produttive e per minimizzare gli scarti.a
Al materials available in mats of custom width, length and thickness upon request.
EPDM (espanso)
Closed, semi-closed or semi-opened cell EPEM, also known as mousse, is most used for water-proofing purposes when appropriately…
Polietilene (PE)
Closed cell Polyethylene (PE) is most used for thermo-acoustic insulation and can withstand temperatures of up to 100°….
Poliuretano (PU)
Open cell polyurethane is most used for sound-proofing purposes but can also withstand temperatures of up to 100°….